Фрагмент для ознакомления
in a particular order – в определенном порядке
Selection of the Jury- отбор членов присяжных
opening statement – вступительная речь
lawyers for each side – адвокаты от каждой стороны
their views of the- взгляды сторон
presentation of evidence – представление доказательств
All parties are entitled to present evidence- каждая сторона имеет право на предоставление доказательств
To be disregard – не обращать внимания, не придавать значения
when they consider them improper under the laws of evidence- когда они считают их неправомерными по законам доказывания
rulings- постановления
the judge favours or does not favour the evidence- судьба принимает или не принимает доказательства
objection – возражение
the sole judge of the credibility of witnesses- единственный судья по вопросу о достоверности показаний свидетелей
believability- правдоподобность
Step 4. The Instructions- Шаг 4. инструкция.
received into evidence- полученное в качестве доказательств
Step 5. Closing Arguments. The lawyers- Шаг 5. Заключительные Аргументы. Адвокат
Step 6. Jury Deliberation – Обсуждение присяжных
to conduct the deliberations on the verdict- чтобы провести обсуждение приговора
discussion is conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion- обсуждение ведется разумно и упорядоченно
from the case- от случая(от дела)
1. вступительная речь- opening statement
2. заключительная речь - closing argument
3. надёжность свидетеля - credibility of witness
4. зачитать вердикт- present a verdict
5. нравомерный протест- legitimate protest
6. принять, поддержать протест- accept and support the protest
7. вычеркнуть из протокола- omitted from the report.
8. удалиться в комнату для совещаний присяжных- retire to the jury room
9. совещание присяжных- jury deliberation
10. старшина присяжных- foreman
11. свидетельские показания- testimony
12. отклонить протест- reject a protest
1. What are the steps of a trial?
Step 1. Selection of the Jury., Step 2. Opening Statements, Step 3. Presentation of Evidence, Step 4. The Instructions., Step 5. Closing Arguments, Step 6. Jury Deliberation
2. What can be considered evidence?
The testimony of witnesses who testify at trial
is evidence. Evidence may also take the form of physical exhibits,
such as a gun or a photograph. On occasion, the written testimony
of people not able to attend the trial may also be evidence in the
cases you will hear.
3. What is a physical exhibit?
An exhibit, in a criminal prosecution or a civil trial, is physical or documentary evidence brought before the jury
4. What are objections?
Objection defined and explained with examples. Objection is an expression of reason or argument presented in opposition to something.
5. When can objections be made?
Continuing objections can be made against a particular line of questioning, the subject of a witness’ testimony, or a specific piece of evidence
6. Who can sustain or overrule an objection?
When the judge says “sustained” that means that the objection that was just made by an attorney is “sustained” and the question or answer that was objected to has been ruled as improper by the court under the Rules of Evidence.
7. What does the judge say in the instructions?
the judge instructs the jury on the laws that are to guide the jury in their deliberations on a verdict. A copy of the instructions will be sent to the jury room for the use of jurors during their deliberations. All documents or physical objects that have been received into evidence will also be sent to the jury room.
8. Who presents closing arguments?
The lawyers in the closing arguments summarize the case from their point of view. They may discuss the evidence that has been presented or comment on the credibility of witnesses.
9. What happens during jury deliberations?
The jury retires to the jury room to conduct the deliberations on the verdict in the case they have just heard. The jury first elects a foreman who will see to it that discussion is conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion, that all issues are fully and fairly discussed, and that every juror is given a fair chance to participate.
Before the case materials studied in the previous stage of the trial are analyzed in the deliberations, they are discussed in the course of the trial, where the public prosecutor and the defender, using professional knowledge and skills, restore the link between the evidence, allowing the judges from the society to make a free choice between the prosecution and acquittal of the defendant.
The positions of the prosecution and defense in a jury trial are based not only on the principle of competition, but also on the principle of presumption of innocence: the innocence of the defendant is assumed, and the guilt is proved by the Prosecutor.
The judge has the right to interrupt the speech, objection or remark of the party, if they contain:
-information not directly related to the case;
-circumstances that are offensive to someone's honor and dignity;
- data not verified during the judicial investigation;
- references to excluded evidence;
-information about the accused's previous criminal record;
-other circumstances that affect the objectivity of the jury
The judge, in his parting words, explains to the jury that in present a verdict, they must:
-use common sense;
-to be guided by the principle of presumption of innocence, according to which the defendant is not obliged to prove his innocence: the burden of proving the guilt of the defendant lies with the public Prosecutor;
-evaluate the evidence examined in court (the testimony of the defendant, the victim, witnesses, expert opinions, etc.) in their totality, coordinating them one with the other;
-do not take into account evidence that has been deleted from the record;
-do not take as evidence the arguments made in the speeches of the parties.
По закону вердикт-это решение присяжных по фактам, представленным им на рассмотрение и определение. В гражданских делах приговоры могут быть как общими, так и специальными. Общий вердикт-Это такой вердикт, в котором присяжные выносят общий вердикт по всем вопросам в пользу истца или ответчика. Специальный вердикт-Это такой вердикт, в котором присяжные рассматривают факты, но оставляют на усмотрение суда любые решения по вопросам права, вытекающим из этих фактов. Однако, как правило, специальные вердикты не применяются к уголовным делам, и в большинстве случаев присяжные выносят общий вердикт “виновен” или “невиновен".”
Как правило, вердикт присяжных должен быть единогласным. Однако в ряде штатов было изменено условие единогласия, и поэтому вердикты могут