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Contemporary problems of Russia's development: digital transformation of the economy
Annotation. The spread of digital technologies for a long period determines the trajectories of economic and social development and has more than once led to dramatic changes in people's lives. The formation of the digital economy is one of the priority areas for most countries - economic leaders, including the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, etc. As a rule, they are characterized by a long period of implementation of the "digital development agenda" and the succession of priorities - from building a basic information and communication infrastructure before the formation of a coordinated policy in this area and programs to support the widespread adoption of digital technologies.
keywords digital literacy, software, foreign trade balance of computer services, foreign corporations, investment.
In recent years, another wave of transformation of business and social models of activity has been unfolding, caused by the emergence of new generation digital technologies, which, due to the scale and depth of influence, have received the name "end-to-end" - artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of things, wireless technologies and a number of others. ... Their implementation is estimated to be able to increase labor productivity in companies by 40% [WEF, 2018a]. In the near future, it is the effective use of new digital technologies that will determine the international competitiveness of both individual companies and entire countries1 that form the infrastructure and legal environment for digitalization. Today, at a new stage in the development of digital technologies, one of the main challenges is the exponential growth in the quantity, quality and variety of relationships between organizations, citizens and socio-economic systems, accompanied by a leaping dynamics in the number of transactions and the volume of data circulating and leading to a more complex and synchronized integration of “all with all”, the consequences of which are not yet fully understood. The international competitiveness of the national economy is a set of institutions, public policy measures and factors that determine the level of a country's productivity [WEF, 2016]. 5 people expect new skills and competencies, readiness to use new technologies in everyday life. Of particular importance is the formation of educational programs that meet global trends, and personalized learning paths that can provide “digital literacy”. Society has yet to cope with the growing fears of the negative consequences of digitalization, including the shrinking or even disappearance of traditional markets, the replacement of certain professions with automated systems, the growth of cybercrime, the vulnerability of human rights in the digital space, threats to the safety of digital user data and the still low level of trust in digital environment. In responding to these challenges, the tasks of regulating the digital economy come to the fore. In Russia, ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere is one of the national development goals (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", hereinafter - Decree No. 204). To this end, Decree No. 204 defines the following tasks:
• increase in internal costs for the development of the digital economy from all sources (in terms of share in gross domestic product) by at least 3 times compared to 2017;
• creation of a stable and secure information and telecommunications infrastructure for high-speed transmission, processing and storage of large amounts of data, available to all organizations and households;
• use of predominantly domestic software by state bodies, local authorities. The accelerated adoption of digital technologies in the economy and the social sphere is an ambitious goal that is being successfully implemented only in a very few leading countries.
Фрагмент для ознакомления
List of sources used:
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