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Communicative technologies in tourism and hospitality
Tourism is for many social, economic, technological, and geopolitical reasons the biggest industry in the world today. Tourism and hospitality – are the activities based on multidimensional communication between different actors and social groups. Rendering of services in addition to the material component always includes emotional and communicative levels.
Communication technologies are a set of receptions, procedures of means and methods that used in the process of communication influence by the subject of communication in order to achieve the set of goals and objectives.
Tourism and hospitality, being one of the most dynamic spheres of the economy, is a highly saturated information area. In other words, collection, storage, processing and transmission of relevant information is the most important and necessary condition for the successful operation of any tourist enterprise.
The success of business in tourism directly depends on the speed of transmission and exchange of information, on its relevance, timeliness of reception, adequacy and completeness.
Balaguer and Pernías, 2013 [1], opined that the use of the telecommunication software like social media apps, Google plus apps, Smartphone apps, travel apps has helped customers and managers of tourism industry to stay connected at all places of the world. The hardware or the external devices like digital television, smart phones, laptops and computers, security machines, e bill payment systems have also contributed to the reduction of time as well as the cost of organizations and services.
According to Buhalis D. [3], information and communication technologies (ICT) are drivers for tourism industry due to the following reasons:
Cost: increasing efficiency; low distribution, communication, and labor costs; facilitation of flexible pricing; minimization of the waste factor.
Market: satisfying sophisticated demand; flexibility in time of operation; specialization and differentiation support; providing last minute deals; accurate information (consumer protection, comparison products, destinations etc.); support of the relationship marketing strategies for frequent flyers/guests; quick reaction to demand fluctuations; multiple/integrated products; yield management (marketing strategy for profit maximization via overbooking, price differentiation, or choice of short/long terms reservations); corporate intelligence; marketing research.
Фрагмент для ознакомления
1. Balaguer, J. and Pernías, J. Relationship between spatial agglomeration and hotel prices. Evidence from business and tourism consumers. Tourism management, 2013, 36, pp.391-400.
2. Bocharnikov VN, Lavrushina Ye.G., Blinovskaya Y.Yu. Information technology in tourism: a textbook. – 2-nd ed., Sr. - Moscow: Flint, 2013. - 358 p.
3. Buhalis, D. Strategic use of information technologies in the tourism industry. Tourism Management [online], 1998, Vol. 19, Iss. 5, pp. 409-421. [cit. 2008-03-01].
4. Chudnovsky A. D., Zhukova MA Information technologies of management in tourism: a textbook. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2011. – p104.
5. Novak, J. and Schwabe, G. (2009). Designing for reintermediation in the brick-and-mortar world: Towards the travel agency of the future. Electronic markets, 19(1), pp.15-29.
6. Papiryan GA International Economic Relations. Economics of Tourism, Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2012. – 208.
7. Potkina E. S., Kholopova LA The development of information technology // Concept. - 2014. - No. 09.
8. Seria, M. and Gil-Saura, I. (2012). ICT, IMC, and Brand Equity in High-Quality Hotels of Dalmatia: An Analysis from Guest Perceptions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 21(8), pp.821-851.
9. Zelenka J. Information and communication technologies in tourism - influence, dynamics, trends. E+M Economie a management, 1-nd edition, 2009.